Saturday, September 27, 2008
The Apple Orchard!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Our "Pets"
So I am not a pet person, I'd rather have more kids than add a dog to the family right now. Don't worry I am not really that mean or against animals and I am sure many many years from now I will probably give into kids begging for a pet (that hasn't happened yet and they haven't asked). The other day, while showing someone the play room, they pointed out that there was something hopping out the window. Our eggressed (I have no clue how to spell that word) windows are still not finished, so there is just dirt and other junk on the bottom. Apparently it makes for a wonderful frog home. It is a little creepy, but there are 7 frogs (plus at least 3 dead frogs) living in the eggresed window. There is absolutely no way out and I am not about to go free the frogs, so they have become our "pets" and some good entertainment for the kids. I couldn't ask for a better "pet" right now, we don't have to feed, clean, or smell them, they don't make any mess and we didn't have to buy them, there are no trips to the vet and no sadness after losing one (since there are seven and the kids have seen the dead frogs- they know what eventually happens). Kyle did promise that he would take care of them before the first freeze- so the kids didn't have to see that- but for know they are fun to have! The window is really dirty on the outside, so the pictures are really foggy but here are a few of our little frog friends.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Cambria swinging!
This is not so bad.
Now lets try swinging.
Okay, maybe not so much swinging.
2 pushes that's enough, time to get out!
Can you fix it Daddy!
Avalyn on the other hand was fine the first 5 days and then after that it was like an emotional melt down- actually many emotional melt downs and they don't seem to be going anywhere. She is constantly crying for her Daddy, they usually come after she's hurt, she doesn't get what she wants or she finds something she wants Daddy to fix. It's a hard concept for a 2 year old to get, but I know that after a while she will adjust. This is the first time she has gotten it beyond just mentioning his name frequently, she is heart broken. She has always been the one we've had to watch, into everything- very curious, very creative, but for the past 4 months we've been able to let our guard down (such as not locking our bathroom door). The little destructive diva seems to be back- okay so she's not as bad- but yesterday I caught her in my bathroom covered in my foundation (I definantly was laughing to myself at this one), the day before she through around her Barbie in anger (over the pony tail I did "wrong" in the Barbie's hair) till she broke the cover of a light switch- I was ignoring this tantrum thinking she might hurt the Barbie not anything else, today she put almost a whole role of toilet paper in the toilet, and to top it off she was sick on Sat. and threw up 3 times. I can't even begin to count how many things Daddy is going to come home and fix, according to Avalyn, the light switch, the potty, her hair when it got sand in it, the shower that still isn't working, the baby swing and every toy that needs batteries, the fire pit (it's not broken she just wants Daddy to make a fire), her bed after she puked in it, and many more. Of course I am fixing most of it, I am able to wash her hair and change out batteries, but it is so sweet and a little scary that everything that isn't perfect is going to be fixed by her Daddy (I am just hoping she isn't thinking he will come home if she messes something up). On the upside in the last week she stopped using the little potty- I hid it and she hasn't cared- and she is finally putting on her own underwear and shorts! Please pray for little Avalyn and her Mommy (I know this will pass, but in the mean time it is wearing on me). ONLY 4 more WEEKS!!!
We are keeping busy with all our activities. This has helped keep their mind off of Daddy being gone. On Sat. afternoon (after Avalyn took a nap and woke up feeling much better) we went to a picnic with our Sunday School class. It was great to be out and with such wonderful friends!
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Girls' room
Here are some pictures of the Avalyn and Cambria's room. I did the painting before we moved in and baught the big girl bedding shortly after on clearance at Pottery Barn. I knew that if we ever had another girl it could easily be combine with her baby bedding (also from PB). All I had to do was add Cambria's name on the wall and we put Avalyn's big girl bed in the room. To make it feel less crouded the dresser was moved to the closet. It is definantly a girly room and when the contracters put the pink on the wall they called me (plus Kyle also called) to make sure it was what I wanted, of course it was I always wanted a pink room when I was little so I wanted to give that to my little girl. I don't know though Avalyn next room might just be blue (her other favorite color besides pink), she loves light blue because that is the color of Cinderella's dress of course. I would be just fine with blue, it my favorite color!
This is Avalyn's "princess bed". In order to get her excited about her big girl bed (she been in it since July) I painted the old bed white and painted a princess design, I took from her princess panties, on it. The bed was my Great Uncle's and when he passed I got 2 of them- perfect for 2 girls! She loves her princess bed, but for some odd reason during nap time she sometimes sneaks into Cambria's crib (never at bed time though).
Friday, September 19, 2008
Happy 8months Cambria!
My Bubble Babies!
Gavin- 5 months
Avalyn- 6 months
Cambria- 8 months
Today I finally got around to taking the bubble picture of Cambria that I have taken of Avalyn and Gavin. I have tried to take it around 6 months, but of course I was a little late this time. I think part of me was just hoping her eyes might not be so crossed and I am sure a lot of it is I just didn't get around to it. Cambria absolutely loves the bath, all my kids have but she probably loves it the most. Gavin told her the other day, while they were in the bath, that she could go to the Olympics in China when she got bigger and we would all come watch her. She was definantly happy to be in there today, probably a little too happy she wouldn't stop kicking, which meant there was water splashing in her face. Waiting till she was 8 months probably didn't help by now she is such a roller she just wanted to roll in the bath tub (she is ussually in her little layed back seat) and her eyes have become far more severely crossed- not to mention without her glasses they don't change position much. Oh well, at least I got around to it and now we have one of her to put in the kid's bathroom. As you can tell she resemble her brother a lot- it's a little crazy when you look at baby pictures of Gavin and even crazier that Kyle and I thought she looked like Gavin from her utrasound. I might try to get another picture that looks more like the other kids, but I love her big smile- she doesn't have a little one, she is either calm or smiling as big as possible.