So I am not a pet person, I'd rather have more kids than add a dog to the family right now. Don't worry I am not really that mean or against animals and I am sure many many years from now I will probably give into kids begging for a pet (that hasn't happened yet and they haven't asked). The other day, while showing someone the play room, they pointed out that there was something hopping out the window. Our eggressed (I have no clue how to spell that word) windows are still not finished, so there is just dirt and other junk on the bottom. Apparently it makes for a wonderful frog home. It is a little creepy, but there are 7 frogs (plus at least 3 dead frogs) living in the eggresed window. There is absolutely no way out and I am not about to go free the frogs, so they have become our "pets" and some good entertainment for the kids. I couldn't ask for a better "pet" right now, we don't have to feed, clean, or smell them, they don't make any mess and we didn't have to buy them, there are no trips to the vet and no sadness after losing one (since there are seven and the kids have seen the dead frogs- they know what eventually happens). Kyle did promise that he would take care of them before the first freeze- so the kids didn't have to see that- but for know they are fun to have! The window is really dirty on the outside, so the pictures are really foggy but here are a few of our little frog friends.