We had another trip to a pumpkin patch with Gavin's preschool on Tues. It was in the low 30's when we left and I bundled the kids up and headed down to Union, NE to a sweet little pumpkin farm. It was a great place, but it was so cold my little babies were doing the best they could. I definantly got the "bad mother" of the day award for forgetting gloves. I realized I didn't bring gloves half way there and that is basically in the middle of no where and there is nothing in Union, NE. The kids did survive even though it didn't warm up. Gavin loved playing on everything and Avalyn loved painting a pumpkin. Cambria was wonderful and stayed quiet in her car seat in the stroller the entire time, poor thing was stuck there under her blankets for several hours. They had a good time and hopefully we can return next year when it is a little warmer.
After Cambria woke up from her nap, when we got home, I thought I'd take some new pictures of her. She is doing great, they are healing well and she is showing improvement. She is even wearing her glasses a lot more, they don't seem to bother her as much, unless she is tired she has been keeping them on. I know she is not wearing them in the picture, but I thought you can see her eyes better without them. They are so much more aligned now, she is even able to track sometimes- her eyes do tick when she follows something, but she does follow for a little bit (that's better than nothing, like before). It's amazing the difference, she looks great! She does seem to move for bright objects futher away and when she drops something she looks in the direction it fell- she never did that before. Her vision still isn't great, she doesn't react to facial expressions or look in the direction of someone further away. Life is so much more interesting, she is thrilled with life just scooting around and studying everything that is in her way. We are so excited with this little blessing in her life, she may never see as clear as most, but she is so content and happy. Praise the Lord!