Saturday, October 31, 2009

My Treats!

Halloween 2009!
Gavin 5- Optimus Prime
Avalyn 3- Barbie Thumblelina

Cambria 21months- Abby Cadabby
Ainsley 11 weeks- Little Kitty

I had a very fun and busy time with costumes this year.
Gavin was going to use his costume from last year (because I wanted to save some $), but the night before his costume parade I decided to go find one of the costumes he really wanted. He hadn't complained or even said much, but his sisters all had new costumes and we knew it would make him so happy, so Optimus Prime it was!
Avalyn was Barbie Thumblelina this year. I found the dress on clearance several months ago and grabbed it for her costume. She loved it! It was a little itchy, but not complaints once I let her put a shirt underneath. I added some rhinestones to the dress and wings. The shoes were an old pair of ballet shoes that had been torn, I hot glued flowers and rhinestones to them- she was happy, they were comfortable and very cute. I made her a special headband, since she loves headbands right now. She looked beautiful!
Cambria's costume took a lot of time- I made the bows, shirt and skirt. I decided to make her Abby Cadabby from Sesame Street. She loves Elmo, but he's a boy and one of his good friends is a cute little fairy named Abby Cadabby and I thought it would be perfect. She will not wear hats, headbands, or bows, but for some reason is okay with ponytails and will even let me sneak bows in them- perfect since Abby wears pig tails. I decided I'd try to make a too-too skirt after seeing a picture of one, so easy and absolutely no sowing (I don't sow), just a bit of time and effort (it also fits Avalyn). The shirt I got on clearance and Target for $2, I of course went to work with the glue gun and put flowers and rhinestones all over. The wings we actually had from another dress up outfit and the tights and shoes Cambria wears all the time. I was shocked when she let me dress her up (while watching Backyardigans of course) and she kept in on for quite awhile. I was so excited to see her and someday I know she will love dressing up too.
I looked for awhile for something that would fit Ainsley and was girly and didn't have much luck, so I decided I'd make something. The shirt I bought in Jan. for $1.99, just in case I had a girl (otherwise it would be a gift). The ears were Avalyn's, but we realized they fit when we were playing with her one day. I made the little skirt with tool and ribbon. She looked adorable, too bad she was ready for a nap when I was ready to take pictures. It was a good 1st Halloween for little Ainsley.

My friend Brooke came over to help me take pictures, so I look forward to sharing those- we did our best to get one of all 4.

Then of course there was some trick-or-treating! Our neighborhood is not finished, so there has never been much trick-or-treating, so we decided to go to a friends neighborhood. This worked out great, the dads took the kids out and I stayed with my friend (and her brand new baby) and passed out candy. Ainsley and Cambria stayed with me- Cambria played by herself the whole time in the toy room (she would much prefer to do so). Gavin was so excited to see his friend Elijah. They had a great time and got lot's of candy.

Friday outing with the girls!

I decided to get out with the girls on Friday- before heading to Gavin's school for his costume parade! 1st the base library- okay so I didn't actually arrive to meet my friend for story time, but I saw that one coming and she picked Avalyn up and I met her there. Then my friend and another girl decided to head to the children's museum, I said sure- I've been avoiding it by myself since Ainsley's birth. Of course on my way off base I got a call from Gavin's school- he had been pushed in the mud and needed a change of clothes. At least I got the call before I got to the museum, so I (literally) ran with the 3 girls into the BX and found a shirt and pants on clearance for Gavin. After dropping them off and checking on Gavin we made our way to the children's museum.

So I survived- thanks to the help of my friend (she only has one child) for most of the trip, and the last 30 min. Ainsley slept making life much easier. The difficult thing about going places like this is Cambria, she loves exploring, but has no desire to stay by me or follow direction. It is as sweet as can be to watch her, she just wonders around quietly looking closely, touching, and studying things. She is independent and so curious. Eventually she decides to find me and she grabs whoever's legs are around, usually crying with frustration that she can't see me until I pick her up. I do love watching her in places like the children's museum, there is so much joy in her face- a very quiet joy (unlike her older brother and sister who have never been quiet about there joy).
Gavin in his costume parade (sorry so blurry- my camera doesn't do motion well) and at his Halloween party. I didn't get to stay long, Cambria and I were ready for a nap- after a very busy morning.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sweet and Sassy

I decided it was about time Avalyn had a hair cut. Her bangs were in her face all the time and she isn't always willing to do something about it, so they needed to be trimmed. I had heard about a little girl's salon close to our house called Sweet and Sassy and decided to check it out. Tues. are toddler Tuesday's and they have $10 hair cuts for 3 and under, perfect! Avalyn was thrilled and was cheering about it all day at Mother's Day Out. We invited her best friend Sidney and made it a little outing with the girls (Kyle was able to come home and watch Cambria). We also had coupons for a style and painted nails, the girls were thrilled about it all. They sat and let them do whatever to them. Avalyn wasn't thrilled with the feeling of her shorter bangs that she couldn't push to the side and when she saw Sidney's hair (she doesn't have bangs) she was very upset until I got her headband out. Don't worry she is over that and doesn't mind them anymore. I do look forward to another outing at Sweet and Sassy and Avalyn is already talking about it! Definitely a good find here in Omaha!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I'm Hello Kitty!

It was costume day at gymnastics and Avalyn was so excited- as she always is about gymnastics class. I didn't think her actual Halloween costume- Barbie Thumbelina- would be practical at gymnastics, so we came up with a Hello Kitty costume. Thanks to some face paint, Hello Kitty winter socks and her Halloween kitty ears it was pretty cute. To my surprise the ear were on through everything, including forward-rolls. She was so excited she couldn't stop saying "I'm Hello Kitty"!

Monday, October 19, 2009

2 Months 2 cute!

Ainsley Brooke- 2 months old
2 Months have gone by so quick! She was actually 2 months old on Oct. 14th, but didn't get to blogging that day. I thought I'd wait till she had her 2 month baby well check on the 20th.
Ainsley is now 11 pounds (50%) 22.5 in. long (50%) and her head is in the 30%!
She has strawberry blonde hair (it sometimes looks a little red), dark blue eye, and just like her brother and sisters really long eye lashes.
She is doing great and growing quickly.
She is awake more during the day now and is beginning to enjoy sitting in her bouncy chair and bumbo for longer periods of time!

She has actually been sleeping through the night for the last few weeks- usually around 6-7 hours and of course there are still a few night she wakes up to eat.
She still loves to be held and is smiling more for us!
We do love this little blessing!
These 2 were actually taken on the 14th- I meant to blog, but I mean to do a lot of things these days that I don't always get to.
fun time in the bumbo

thinking about smiling for Daddy

Sunday outing!

We decided to skip church on Sunday and head to the zoo for a family day. The weather has been pretty cold lately, so we have been thankful for a couple of warmer days and had to enjoy it while it last. It was a nice day- zoo a little busy, but the kids were great and we had a good time!
So excited to ride the carousel this time! Gavin and Avalyn LOVE any kind of ride.

Ainsley was dressed by big sister Avalyn in her gold fish outfit. This was her 2nd trip to the zoo and this time she was actually awake for most of it!

little monkey in the jungle

after the jungle

Cambria finally got out of the stroller and wanted to walk around. This was her walking through the shark tunnel.

So excited!

loving on sister Cambria
We tried. Not the best place for a photo- the aquarium tunnel. Someday it will happen and we will get a great family picture!