Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy 1/2 Birthday Ainsley!

Ainsley Brooke's 1/2 Birthday is on Valentine's Day! Can't believe she is 6 months old. The colic is gone and she is a very happy little baby- most of the time. She loves watching her brother and sisters, she is the perfect addition (and completion) to this family. She enjoys playing on the floor, scooting and rolling and even working on getting up on all fours. Ainsley has been teething for a long time, but no teeth yet just drooling, chewing, and lot's of discomfort. She is eating baby food a couple times day, nursing a bit and working on holding her bottle. She is still a good sleeper and has finally adapted to her car seat and being in the car! Being held is still her greatest desire, she is the 4th and wants all the attention, but does play on her own for much longer periods of time. Her check up was great, she's perfect and beautiful (that's the doctors description). She is right on target developmentally and at 14 pounds (30%) and 26 in long (70%) and head in the 30% she is growing well!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Cambria 2 yr check up!

About a week ago Cambria had her 2 year check up- I know I am not the most punctual on making those well check ups (I hate that you have to call within a certain time frame to get an appointment, too early they can't do it, too late and you can't see the doctor you want to see). I did get Ainsley's 6 month check right on time! Cambria is growing well. She is 24.7 pounds (50%) and 32 in. tall (8%). She is pretty short, she always has been- her feet and hands are not small, so maybe that growth spurt will come later. She is extremely low on the developmental scale (we knew that), but she is healthy and happy and we are so blessed!

she loves to feel the little spurts of air from the duck

Playing with Daddy and her duck- two of her favorite things!

I found a wet diaper on the living room floor and this is what I found upstairs in the girl's room like nothing was different.
Cambria LOVED her talking valentine from Mau Mau and Grandpa and she is enjoying her gift from us, a leapfrog play table (she does like to stand on it, so far she hasn't been hurt). I got the table at our MOPS swap (that means it was FREE)- it was like new and I was so excited to get it for her!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Just some pretty babies!

Ainsley after church on Sun. she looked so cute, but wasn't interested in taking pictures.

Cambria played with every balloon from the party for as she could! She looks so cute in her new outfit from MauMau.

Avalyn and her Barbies- the creativity never ends, she loves to dress them up and is always so proud of how they look!
Gavin made himself lunch the other day, a peanut butter sandwich.

A fun begining to 2010

Nothing much to this blog, just some pictures from the end of January.

so much love

such a pretty face
watching the Vikings with Daddy!

Go Vikings!

Ainsley joined the boys for the game- at least for a little bit.

Cambria and her Backyardigan Birthday balloon (a week after the party), she loved it so much! She still loves the squeaky giraffe Ainsley got for Christmas- I bought her one too and she was so proud of herself when she found both of them.