Every Tues. and Fri. morning after she was dressed and fed we'd wait by the door with great excitement for the van that was coming! "Good-morning van" "where's the van" and "I love the van" were just a few of the phrases she liked to repeat while waiting. The van was a blessing and she thought it was so much fun! School was great! Her class was a combination of early-childhood kids and normal kids (ages 3-4) and Cambria on the 2 days she joined them. She had to have her own special teacher to help her navigate her morning at school, different specialist rotating days. Her teachers worked hard to get her involved and help her learn and develop. She spent several months screaming and fighting at the thought of washing her hands in the sink or giving up the little toy animal she took on the van, but eventually learned and would (with help) wash her hands and put the toy away like she was told. With the help of her teachers she'd have a little role each day. They worked hard at snack time and actually reached the goal of touching the food to her lips. At story time they would pause a minute and hold the book close to Cambria's face so she had the chance to see the pictures. She went from sitting at story time in a special chair to sometimes joining the group on the floor. Her speech has improved greatly and she has begun to ask for food when she's hungry. God has truly blessed us and Cambria at Golden Hills and we will miss them all so much (wish we could take them all to TX).
During story and song time!
The good-bye song:(
Her 2011 super-star Award- not that she noticed, but it was sweet!
My camera wasn't ready for the class shot- but I tried.
Outside for special last-day fun! Cambria LOVED her blue balloon!
Outside for special last-day fun! Cambria LOVED her blue balloon!
Trying to teach her how to blow bubbles. She was excited about bubbles, but I think she was having a hard time seeing them in the bright sun, she didn't notice them at all.
Cambria and her 3 teachers- the specialist weren't there for the last day party (it wasn't on one of Cambria's normal school days). These are 3 absolutely wonderful teachers!