Thursday, May 1, 2008


Here is a great link in understanding how Cambria sees. We look forward to sharing more information with her condition and thank you so much for all your prayers!

It has been over a week since she started wearing glasses and progress is slow. Before glasses I couldn't hold her facing out (against my body), she would tighten up and scream and as if she were being thrown off a cliff. It was really sad, I knew about this sensitivity but others didn't and it was a little scaring when they would try to hold her facing out. After just 2 days in the glasses she was doing much better when I heald her out and now actually likes to be that way as long as I am not moving to fast. She is also looking at toys a little bit more. Still no smiling or tracking. That web sight is a great way of understanding how blurry things are and all the visual complications people with Albinism face, I don't know exactly how bad her vision is- hopefully that will be easier to answer as she has more eye appoinments in the future.

Her MRI is on this Tues. May 6th, so keep that in your prayers! Kyle is out of the country now and hopefully will be back within the next 2 weeks. I am surviving with the kids, it's definantly more of a challenge with 3! Thanks for all your prayers! We LOVE You ALL!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't God good to have made ears for those of us who need to wear glasses. Cambria looks like she is really seeing things now. What a sweetie! Love you guys, Leigh