Monday, May 19, 2008

Thanks Luke! (Kerry, Dave, and Breaden)

Kyle returned on Thurs.! Praise the Lord! We are so happy to have him home. He had a good time in Japan seeing some good friends of ours that are stationed there. Luke picked out some great toys for the kids and I managed to snatch a picture of Gavin with his, but Avalyn was a little too busy. We miss our friends so much, Gavin talks about them all the time- it was nice to get a little piece of their world now and look forward to seeing them again someday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, he looks bad ass! I'm glad they liked their souvenirs; it was good to see Kyle while he was here! And, hey, if wearing a pashmina isn't your thing then it makes a great table cover! Miss y'all.