When we moved into our new house 2 years ago, Kyle and I planted 7 trees we found on clearance at a nursery up the street from our house. We are happy to say they are all alive and doing great. In the 7 were 2 apple trees, we thought it might be fun to see how they would do. 2 years later we have apples, we were surprised to see fruit so early and even more suprised to see how large the apples have grown over the summer. We have no clue about when to actually pick the apples (we've picked 2 already that weren't ready) and we can't remember at all what kind they are. Today we let Gavin pick the largest apple on the tree in the backyard and sure enough it was perfectly ripe and tasted great. There are about 5 apples left on both trees and we look forward to tasting them (hopefully at the right time)! I am hoping by next year I can make a few apple pies!
The apples on the tree in the front yard have all, but one, decided to grow on the same limb. The poor limb doesn't look like it can take much more, but the apples don't look quite ready to pick.
We also have several rose plants and here are a few pictures of the flowers this year.