Here are a few recent pictures of Cambria. She is doing well, but in quite a bit of pain with the top 4 front teeth coming in at the same time (yuck). She started rolling over from her back to stomach last week and is doing it all the time now. She had her first home meeting with the early intervention specialist from the school system this week. The vision specialist and lead teacher came to meet her and begin the process of setting up a program to help in her development delays. She is several months behind, still not responding to things or faces regularly, not reaching for toys unless directly in front of her, she does not transfer things from one hand to another, she does not sit, she doesn't repeat sounds, she doesn't grab crumbs or cheerios, and many other things that are on the 6 month development chart (she will be 7 months old on the 19th). This all seems a little grim, but it is mainly visual and with time and surgury we should see improvement. Right now one of my concerns is her movement sensitivity, she had a lot before she got the glasses (I coundn't carry her facing forward at all and any quick movement causes her to tense up and scream as if she is in pain) but after she got her glasses her sensitivity was a lot better. She has loved being worn in the carrier, which is good because she keeps her glasses on when she is in it and it is recommended for babies who are blind or have bad vision. Now the sensitivity is back, even with the glasses, it isn't quite as bad but she tenses up and screams at any sudden movement or when I carry her facing forward. I am still wearing her in the carrier, she still likes it but has begun tensing up and pushing her feet tight against me but doesn't cry unless I make a sudden movement. It is important that she keeps the glasses on as much as possible and wearing her is the best way. Her nickname around here is our little Angel, she is such a sweet heart and puts a smile on your face everytime you see her. Thanks for all your prayers!
In her favorite spot- the jumparoo, and with her favorite Big Brother!
More time on her play mat- I was trying to get her rolling over, but she was just ready for a nap and wouldn't do it.
Her new best friend. She took a little nap with her in the swing today.
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