Thursday, March 26, 2009

"Daddy's in the Bear!"

After this past week, receiving their talking Daddy Bears couldn't have come at a better time.
Kyle recorded his voice for the bears before he left. They were free build-a-bear bears from the family readiness center and I have been looking forward to the kids receiving them. After waiting for over a month, I was actually glad they came today and not sooner. The kids are really missing their Daddy right now. They had no clue what they were getting today, I just told them Daddy had sent a surprise. I took them up to base and when they brought the bears out with their names on the tag, the kids were excited. Then I told them to squeeze the bears hand and their faces just lit up. We walked out of the office and they just couldn't stop smiling and listening to Daddy talk to them. The first thing Avalyn said was "Daddy's in the bear", it was so sweet and she hasn't stop giggling and talking to her bear. Gavin was also so happy to have a little piece of Daddy, he said it was the best surprise and "better than his Buzz Lightyear bear" (his only other talking bear, that he has always loved). Cambria didn't do much, but she did like the tags on the bear- she probably will not care much about the bear once the tags are off, but Avalyn and Gavin keep playing it for her so she can hear Daddy.
The kids have had a hard week, Gavin has had several melt downs and Avalyn has had her own share of moments. I am sure the way I've been feeling hasn't helped. I have been nauseous, extremely tired, have no appetite and still the occasional migraine. I am hoping this will end soon and I will be back to feeling like I was a couple weeks ago. The kids have been understanding and let me rest, but I still feel bad. Cambria is doing okay, still having issues when we are out so I have been doing my best to stay in (man I need to go to the grocery store)- I have never had a child so sensitive to their surroundings, I am hoping it's just something she will outgrow. We have had some good outings and she does love to go out in the car and she is so content at home, such a sweet happy little girl. Cambria was running a high fever (103.7) off and on yesterday, but thankfully woke up happy and fever free.

For the Love of ELMO!

Cambria's newest little friend is Elmo. The love began about a month ago. She was quietly playing on the floor, as usual, going from toy to toy when she came across one of the Elmo dolls we have she just started squealing and hugging and kissing him. It was so sweet and she was so happy. The funny thing is, is she has never watch much TV or showed any special interest in any show. A couple of weeks after she began talking to Elmo, she discovered him on TV. She was so excited and after she saw him, she went looking for him and was so excited to find him. Elmo is still the only thing she gets excited about seeing on TV and I think she is beginning to recognize his voice. She loses interest when he isn't there, but usually find her way back when he is back. I know she is really close, but it seems to be the only way she is able to see the TV- she doesn't watch it otherwise. I hope the video I took from today works. My TV definitely needs a lot of cleaning after all her kisses to ELMO!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

We think it's a....

girl. That's right, the ultra sound didn't go so great today but the technician and I are guessing it's a girl. The technician was not thrilled that I was there around 18 weeks and not 20, but she agreed to let us see the baby and she checked a few things out while my mom, sisters and Gavin were there. Everything seemed to look okay as far as she could tell, nothing alarming, but she was having some trouble seeing everything with the baby so little. The baby would not cooperate and turn around and had her legs together the whole time. I know she didn't want to say the sex for sure, because you couldn't see much but I told her I was there for Gavin and he really wants a brother- she then asked me what I was thinking and I said girl and she agreed. Gavin was happy to see the baby and was just fine when I told him we think it's a girl. I knew I had him pretty well prepared, but I knew it would still be difficult for me to know that I wouldn't be giving Gavin the brother he really wanted. It was a stressful day for me, I was really hoping to know for sure and even though I have thought it was a girl from early on, there was always that little hope that I could give Gavin a brother and Kyle another son. I know that it is all in God's hands and that this baby will be the perfect completion to this family. I was happy to see that it looks healthy and look forward to another ultrasound to see more. I did schedule one for April 6, so we should be able to see the sex of the baby by then and get some pictures. I was happy to have been there with my family and Gavin was able to see his new little baby. God is good and I know I will be just fine, now if this migraine would go away and I hopefully will feel much better tomorrow (I have had migraines during this pregnancy and they are at there worse when I am emotional or overwhelmed). This pregnancy has definitely been a stressful, emotional and at times even depressing- I can't explain it, I have never felt this way during my other pregnancy's but this one has really taken it's toll. I am sure the fact that at the beginning I knew Kyle would be gone and now that he is hasn't helped my mental state, but I feel God all around me and know that He is walking me through this. I have actually started to feel more like myself the past 2 weeks, but today was hard, I am just glad there is tomorrow. Nothings really wrong, so I hate to complain I have so much to be thankful for so I keep trying to focus on all those wonderful blessings.

Today was also difficult since I had to say good bye to my family. They came up from Texas on Sat. and it was so wonderful to have them around. You get so used to being so far from your family, but when you are with them you realize what you are missing and saying good bye is never easy. I will post some pictures from this week as soon as I get some, I wasn't very good at taking any, but my sister did so I will try to share those with you.

Just one more thing, I have been having computer problems so that has not helped my blogging efforts- I hate getting on here, never knowing if it is going to work. So I will do my best and hopefully the computer will magically fix itself.

Friday, March 6, 2009

A Couple of Warm Days

This winter has done it's best to be kind to us this year and given us a few breaks of warm weather. To me it is just a tease and I wish it would just stay, but it comes just to melt the snow and within a day or two more cold and snow arrives. Yesterday was in the 70's, crazy warm around here. I decided I just had to take the kids to the zoo and take advantage of the weather. We went after Avalyn's Mother's Day Out was over at 2:30. The weather was perfect and there weren't any crowds. I wish Cambria had been excited about it, she wasn't too happy and very fussy. I think she just needed to poop- all my kids have always waited to poop when they got home (for some crazy reason). Not pooping in your diaper in public isn't a bad thing, unless you are fussy and for several hours she was fussy. After 15 fussy min. in the car on the way home she finally just went and was happy the rest of the night. Oh well, at least the other 2 were happy and enjoyed there time at the zoo (sorry they weren't in the mood for pictures, I tried). It was a nice break and I can't wait till spring arrives to stay!
Just make it a few hours, it is the zoo and you love playing with spoons.

A moment of happiness with mommy
The hit of the day- the Orangutans! The baby was quite fond of the kids and was following and playing with them, swinging and making faces and trying to touch them.
A good time at the zoo!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Okay, so it took some tears and permission from the Dr. in radiology on base, but I will be having the ultrasound to find out the sex of baby #4 on March 18. I was so excited after my OB appointment today when she told me I could have my ultrasound at 18 weeks. The reason I was so excited is that my sisters and mom will be here the week I am 18 weeks. I really didn't want to go in there alone and they will not let me take Gavin without someone to watch him. They are picky on base on how they do ultrasounds- I wish I could just do it at my OB (who is non military), but insurance likes to send us to base for it (it is hard to argue with free health care). My excitement soon diminished after I got to the base hospital to make the appointment. The lady helping me didn't seem to care about the date, but the lady next to her would not stop saying I had to wait till 20 weeks and kept saying no earlier than April 3. I tried to hold back and kept moving around to not show my frustration, but I finally just said my husband is gone, I didn't want to do it alone, my family would only be around for a few weeks, and my OB said 18 weeks was fine. They got quiet (when they saw me crying) and the lady helping my said she could ask the radiologist and he said it was fine. They said I might have to come back if they can't tell, but I am not too worried about that- we saw Cambria and knew she was a girl at 17 weeks. So I am relieved and happy to see our little one in just 2 weeks- and not having to find more people to watch my kids (I feel like it is never ending- I am so thankful to all my friends who have helped me since Kyle's been gone, you can all sit out on the 18th!).

I am nervous and could use some prayer for this ultrasound. It all seems so shallow, but Gavin really wants a brother. Kyle and I just want a healthy baby and are totally expecting another girl. We have been trying to prepare Gavin in every way and we know in the end he will be just fine, he loves his sisters and is sure to love another. I will probably have a hard time, knowing I will not be able to give him something he wants so much. There will probably be tears and I am just praying for a peace for Gavin and I. Of course pray for the health of the baby and that the baby has developed enough for us to see the sex of the baby.

Thanks for all your prayers. I look forward to sharing the news with all of you!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

A good Week

Best Friends!

The most difficult child to photograph, but I keep trying- someday she will smile when we try to get her to (maybe her new glasses will help)

The only one I got with all 3
Last week was a good week. I felt like a lot was done and the kids are still doing well.
My car was fixed by Fri.- I was so happy to get rid of the rental car, too small and reeked of smoke. My car looks great and they cleaned all of it, including vacuuming the inside (this probably hasn't been done in a year.
Our shower door was fixed- no more leaking! Grout re-done and know onto the mold and ruined trim (the contractor came today and said he should be done by Thur.). It is so nice to be able to shower in the master bath.
Somehow I fixed the garage door. I have no clue how, I pulled the rope, opened and closed it and the next day when I pushed the button it opened! Just in time for 6 in. of snow to fall!

Tax refund in the bank= credit card payed off! Yea!!!