Kyle recorded his voice for the bears before he left. They were free build-a-bear bears from the family readiness center and I have been looking forward to the kids receiving them. After waiting for over a month, I was actually glad they came today and not sooner. The kids are really missing their Daddy right now. They had no clue what they were getting today, I just told them Daddy had sent a surprise. I took them up to base and when they brought the bears out with their names on the tag, the kids were excited. Then I told them to squeeze the bears hand and their faces just lit up. We walked out of the office and they just couldn't stop smiling and listening to Daddy talk to them. The first thing Avalyn said was "Daddy's in the bear", it was so sweet and she hasn't stop giggling and talking to her bear. Gavin was also so happy to have a little piece of Daddy, he said it was the best surprise and "better than his Buzz Lightyear bear" (his only other talking bear, that he has always loved). Cambria didn't do much, but she did like the tags on the bear- she probably will not care much about the bear once the tags are off, but Avalyn and Gavin keep playing it for her so she can hear Daddy.
The kids have had a hard week, Gavin has had several melt downs and Avalyn has had her own share of moments. I am sure the way I've been feeling hasn't helped. I have been nauseous, extremely tired, have no appetite and still the occasional migraine. I am hoping this will end soon and I will be back to feeling like I was a couple weeks ago. The kids have been understanding and let me rest, but I still feel bad. Cambria is doing okay, still having issues when we are out so I have been doing my best to stay in (man I need to go to the grocery store)- I have never had a child so sensitive to their surroundings, I am hoping it's just something she will outgrow. We have had some good outings and she does love to go out in the car and she is so content at home, such a sweet happy little girl. Cambria was running a high fever (103.7) off and on yesterday, but thankfully woke up happy and fever free.