Our backyard isn't the most exciting, so it always takes some convincing to get the kids to go out to play- usually involving water. It hasn't helped that Cambria hasn't done well outside, so when Daddy is gone it is either short trips to the park down the street or giving them something to do in our backyard. Our biggest enemy outside has been wasp- Gavin was bit 3 times last year in a matter of days and he hasn't forgotten. I have been doing my best to kill their homes and the the wasp themselves and for know it is much better. Thanks to some warm weather and no rain for a couple days I told the kids they could use the hose to water the grass and trees. Within minutes I looked outside to see Avalyn being chased by Gavin with the hose and the biggest smile on her face (and not much else on her body). I just let them go, it didn't take long before a couple of kinks in the hose made a huge spray of water in the air from the hole in the middle of the hose. The kids were thrilled with their new found sprinkler. I got their bathing suits and let them play till dinner. It was so nice to see them so happy outside and they have been so excited to do it again (Avalyn wore her bathing suit for the following 2 days despite the rain and 60 degree weather). Tomorrow should be warm again and we don't have any plans, so watering the grass is definitely on the schedule!
Cambria has many sensory issues, besides her sight, mainly touch, motion and taste (textures of food). Grass has been one of those enemies and she would just scream if I put her near it. I don't know if it is all the occupational therapy (OT) she has had over the past few months or if she is just outgrowing things, but she is doing much better. At her OT appointments have discovered her love of being held while on a swing (it is a large platform swing at Children's hospital), this took a few visits but now it calms her and she is so happy. This was so nice to see, usually thing like swinging, bouncing or any quick motion would set her off in terror. The food issues hasn't gotten any better, but she is doing much better with touch. I took her outside the other day to see how well she would do in the grass. She was happy to be outside (she has always loved the feel of wind, it puts a smile on her face ever time) and I thought I'd give the grass a try, to my surprise she didn't mind it too much. She actually sat in it without screaming and even tried walking in it and on the rock patio. She did get frustrated with the trying to walk around- she kept falling, but even the few minutes was nice to see. Progress is always good and once she is walking more steady I don't think she will mind it much at all.