Friday, May 22, 2009

Last day of Preschool!

Wed. was Gavin's last day of Preschool! He has LOVED it! What a wonderful place, I just hope he enjoys kindergarten as much. On the last day they had a party for the kids and families. Cambria enjoyed it for about 15 min., before she was ready for a nap or something (I think she just wanted to go inside and play). Gavin had a great time, but spent most of it worrying about his sisters and trying to introduce them to everyone- it was very sweet, I was actually telling him to go play with his friends. We will miss TLC.
Gavin and best friend Elijah! He will miss being at school with him so much, I thinks that is the only thing he is not looking forward to about kindergarten.

Cambria did get down and walk a bit, she usually hates the feel of concrete but did fine on the sidewalk. She wasn't happy with the street (I know I should have had shoes, but I was hoping she would just sit in the stroller). Cambria does love her new little ELMO ball, she takes it everywhere and she enjoyed watching the balls roll everywhere (it was so windy), but was not happy she could catch all of them and eat them (of course).

Avalyn enjoying the trampoline!

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