Thursday, April 29, 2010

The rehearsal

Dance Recital 2010

This was Avalyn's 2nd year of dance. She had a wonderful year and improved so much. PRecital #2 was definently much calmer than #1. For some reason she calls it a "PRecital", I kind of gave up on correcting her and let it be. She LOVED the costume, it couldn't have been more perfect. It was beautiful, comfortable and involved 2 of Avalyn's favorite things magenta and sparkles! Avalyn was excited to be on stage and did her best to do the routine with the rest of the girls. No cameras were aloud at the actual recital- I got the video from it. I did my best at the rehearsal, but I was also trying to video tape a little of the routines. Using 2 cameras at once isn't easy, not to mention how dark it was in there and my camera skills.
Getting ready to go on stage! They were chosen to be 1st this year (that's 2 years in a row)!

The Tap routine! The first group in the recital!

A little break before the ballet routine

Avalyn and Amaya, one of her sweet dance friends!
The intro to the ballet routine (to "Love Me Tender" with Elvis). People actually gasp and then awed during the real recital when all the little girls came out together with their arms in the air on their tip toes. They did it perfectly together at the real thing- wish I had a picture of it, so sweet!

Jump in Jump out!

The end of the routine- this was one the groups favorite part of practice when they would all "go to sleep" and they giggled with excitement every time their teacher said "wake up" every time for 8 months. There was no "wake up" and giggle during the recital, but they did enjoy the ending.

Avalyn was the last one off the stage and she made sure she was able to smile and wave every time!