Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ainsley Brooke is 1!

Happy 1st Birthday!

One year ago, on August 14, little Ainsley Brooke completed our family! It has been quite a wonderful year. Ainsley was a bit of a screamer for a good 5 months, but once all the screaming was out of her system she became a very sweet little girl (not that she wasn't sweet to begin with;). She is very eager, independent, bright and absolutely adorable! She has reached all her milestones early or on time and continues to progress so quickly (I do tell her to slow down just a bit- she is my last). She took her first steps at 9 months and was walking everywhere by 10 and a half months, says Momma and Dadda, she drinks out of a cup/straw/sippy cup, she loves table food and feeding herself. She likes mechanical stuff, cords, computers, cell phones and of course the mouse. Ainsley is quite the little dancer, whenever she hears music she has to stop and squat and bounce up and down while twisting. She is probably one of the most social babies, she LOVES people, ALL people (no stranger anxiety here). Ainsley has been the perfect addition to this family and we LOVE her so much!

Opening her present!

The Party!

Maybe brother's cake taste better- or not.

Not really into the cake, how about some ice cream!

Gavin sharing his ice cream!

Ainsley taking over the bowl of ice cream, trying it with a spoon and then just digging in!

Nothing like a little Birthday bath!

1 comment:

The Skains Family said...

SHe is too cute! SHe looks so much like Avalyn to me. Beautiful girl. Happy birthday!