Thursday, August 11, 2011

A family Day at Sea World

Kyle had a few days off between his pre-mat course and the beginning of Med. School, so we decided to take him to Sea World!  He doesn't have a pass, but was a able to use his one-time (and last time)free military pass for the year.  He went early with the older to ride some rides and after nap the babies and I met them out there for swimming and a few shows! It worked out great, even though I left the camera in the car and the little girls and I were too late for the Sesame St. show.  I did get my camera in time for swimming and of course the carousel ride!
Ainsley got stung by a bee- Avalyn said she was trying to touch the bee's. She was so sad, but Daddy made it all better.
Cambria swimming with her best friend!

It is crazy watching her "swim", she dunks her head under the water, opens her eyes, breaths out of her noes and shoots back out of the water with a huge smile on her face. This was all self taught and quite amazing considering a year ago she would scream in the bath and would go near any water.

Ainsley was obsessed with the life jackets!

On a HORSE!!! After being introduced to the carousel on our first trip the summer to Sea World and then again at Morgan's Wonderland, I decided it was time to put her on a horse (and not sit with her on the bench).  She was a little uncertain at first, but was soon in LOVE!

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