It was a week of costumes and parties! I spent a lot of time doing "Minnie Mouse's" face. She wore her costume for dance, the neighborhood party, Cambria, Gavin and her school parties (and on course on Halloween). Cambria didn't really get that there was a party going on in her class. I did go to watch for a bit (it took her over 15 min. to realize I was even in the room). It was sweet to see her in her room. Her teachers take such wonderful care of her and do their best to keep her involved. I didn't get the camera out at Cambria's, she didn't do much and once she saw me she just wanted me. Avalyn had a little party at her school, she was the only one in costume and there weren't any other parents, so I just waited and took her to Gavin's when her school got out.

The costume parade!

Gavin and his friend Kirk!

The costume parade!
Gavin and his friend Kirk!
Gavin is such a good big brother (most the time;). He was so proud to have his sister at his class party, he made sure she sat right by him and that she got a special cupcake and drink. I pray that he always takes such sweet care of his sisters!

Gavin had to pose in every picture I took while he was in his costume! So much fun!
Gavin had to pose in every picture I took while he was in his costume! So much fun!
I love that the kids get to wear their costumes so much and I love that they love it! After a full day of school parties, we had a wonderful neighborhood party!