Tuesday, July 20, 2010


At 10 and a half months old Ainsley started walking everywhere! She had been taking several steps at a time for a couple weeks and then she was off. So determined and so cute!

Avalyn put the wing on her and she didn't take them off for several hours! (yes, those are band aids from her shots- I know I'm behind, we'll catch up)
Ainsley Brooke 11 months old!

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July!

Happy 1st 4th of July Ainsley!
Yes she's walking! I have no video of it and very few pictures, so sad but it's been pretty busy around here. She took her first step (without hold something) at 9 months old and within a month she was taking several!

chase- one of Cambria's favorite games

Avalyn picked out this dress for the 4th of July. She loves it! Not the most patriotic, but she can wear it all the time so I said ok- not to mention once she found it, nothing else would do.

Daddy starting some small fireworks!

Cambria loving on her ducky- pink was the one she picked for the night (she usually goes with whatever duck she can find and it doesn't leave her)


We filled the pool with blankets and the kids had a great time playing in it!
Cambria's first time to use a slide

Ainsley enjoying some milk, a few fireworks, then she was ready for bed!

The Fireworks dance!

The perfect place to watch fireworks! The kids LOVE fireworks- especially Cambria!
We LOVE 4th of July in Nebraska! The weather is cool and the fire works are legal (at least in the area we live in). All we have to do is sit in our backyard and watch the show from our neighbors and do some ourselves. The babies can go to bed when it's time and everyone else enjoys the evening. This of course usually brings visitors our way for the 4th! We were so happy to have Ryan and Jessie with us again this year! Thanks to "uncle" Ryan we had our own little fireworks show- 2 nights in a row!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Visitors from Texas!

At the end of June, my mom, sister Kathryn and her 2 kids Briley and Kimber drove up to spend a week with us! It was so wonderful to have them here. I was still on crutches and the kids and I hadn't left the house much in over a month, so it was nice to have some excitement around here and get out a bit. We hung around the house, saw Toy Story 3, went to a few t-ball games, tackled the Children's Museum (no pictures-I forgot my camera), and enjoyed a day with trains at the Durham Museum. I miss my family so much and cherish every moment I can get with them- even the crazy one's with all the kids.

Pretty Baby!

Avalyn loves her newest cousin Kimber

Bath time in the pool!

Best Cousins! Can't wait to watch the 2 of these pretty babies grow up together- hopefully both in TX!

Just one of Kimber's many faces- she has so much personality!

Reading with Kimber

Eating breakfast with Briley

Helping Mau Mau do the dishes

Briley loves trains so we took them to the Durham Museum one day

Cambria always loves to be out!
Playing on the trains and bus

Ainsley hanging out in the stroller- she didn't mind!
Can't wait to see everyone again!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

One Last Trip to Sweet and Sassy with Sidney

The Sweet and Sassy store here shut down at the end of June. Sweet and Sassy's is a boutique for little girls and Avalyn loves it! With a coupon hair cuts are $10 and it's really close to our house, so that is where I've been taking her. On occasion we go with her Best Friend Sidney and they get their hair and nails done. Sidney will be moving to Germany soon, so we thought we'd make it a special day for them. We are sad to see Sweet and Sassy's close and even more sad to see her little best friend leave.

playing right outside Sweet and Sassy's