Thursday, May 28, 2009

The grass isn't so bad...

Our backyard isn't the most exciting, so it always takes some convincing to get the kids to go out to play- usually involving water. It hasn't helped that Cambria hasn't done well outside, so when Daddy is gone it is either short trips to the park down the street or giving them something to do in our backyard. Our biggest enemy outside has been wasp- Gavin was bit 3 times last year in a matter of days and he hasn't forgotten. I have been doing my best to kill their homes and the the wasp themselves and for know it is much better. Thanks to some warm weather and no rain for a couple days I told the kids they could use the hose to water the grass and trees. Within minutes I looked outside to see Avalyn being chased by Gavin with the hose and the biggest smile on her face (and not much else on her body). I just let them go, it didn't take long before a couple of kinks in the hose made a huge spray of water in the air from the hole in the middle of the hose. The kids were thrilled with their new found sprinkler. I got their bathing suits and let them play till dinner. It was so nice to see them so happy outside and they have been so excited to do it again (Avalyn wore her bathing suit for the following 2 days despite the rain and 60 degree weather). Tomorrow should be warm again and we don't have any plans, so watering the grass is definitely on the schedule!

Cambria has many sensory issues, besides her sight, mainly touch, motion and taste (textures of food). Grass has been one of those enemies and she would just scream if I put her near it. I don't know if it is all the occupational therapy (OT) she has had over the past few months or if she is just outgrowing things, but she is doing much better. At her OT appointments have discovered her love of being held while on a swing (it is a large platform swing at Children's hospital), this took a few visits but now it calms her and she is so happy. This was so nice to see, usually thing like swinging, bouncing or any quick motion would set her off in terror. The food issues hasn't gotten any better, but she is doing much better with touch. I took her outside the other day to see how well she would do in the grass. She was happy to be outside (she has always loved the feel of wind, it puts a smile on her face ever time) and I thought I'd give the grass a try, to my surprise she didn't mind it too much. She actually sat in it without screaming and even tried walking in it and on the rock patio. She did get frustrated with the trying to walk around- she kept falling, but even the few minutes was nice to see. Progress is always good and once she is walking more steady I don't think she will mind it much at all.

Painting pots...

So the kids have brought home several plants in little plastic cups from church and mother's day out. They have been growing great in the window behind the kitchen sink, but they needed new homes. I bought a couple cheap pots and decided to let the kids paint. I basically had to beg Gavin to paint just one, like I've said "who needs the arts?"- at least that seems to be Gavin's inherited motto these days (from his Daddy). He did about 5 min. of painting before going back to playing, but thanks to my encouragement he at least covered the pot. Avalyn on the other hand enjoyed every minute and spent almost an hour on the 2 pots I gave her. She does like mixing colors a lot, but hasn't quite discovered that it often turns the colors muddy- we'll get there someday, but for now she is happy with her work (and so is Mommy). I am happy to report it has been a week since we did this project and everything is still living- even Avalyn's plant that we thought died the day after we planted it.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Gavin graduates!

The professional preschool graduation picture- such a cute one!
If there was a professional picture there had to be an official ceremony for this special occasion. Who knew for preschool they did such a thing, but it was very sweet and we are very proud of Gavin. They sang some songs, we watched a slide show of pictures from this year and then ate some cookies. Thanks to some great friends I was able to just take Avalyn with me and we enjoyed watching Gavin up on stage (without have to worry or entertain Cambria). Avalyn sat there the whole time cheering for her brother and his friends she knows and occasionally blurting out to me "he's not doing anything". I don't think Gavin has much of a stage career right now, he was more concerned with letting me know he was up there than actually singing or doing any motions (much like the Christmas program). This is apparently inherited from his father, who did the same thing when he was little- who needs the arts? Good job Gavin, we are so proud!
Ready to graduate!
My camera doesn't do well in dark places and I spent most of my time video taping it for daddy, but here's a shot of Gavin on stage.
Way to Go GAVIN!
so proud!
Gavin and friend Carter- we missed you Elijah and hope you are feeling better! The 3 of them were best buddies this year.
Gavin and his wonderful teachers!
"The BEST Graduation present ever" a new light saber. He has been having so much fun with his new toy, it changes colors and has sound effects- and Mommy had to go to 3 stores to find one, definitely worth the trouble.

Last day of Preschool!

Wed. was Gavin's last day of Preschool! He has LOVED it! What a wonderful place, I just hope he enjoys kindergarten as much. On the last day they had a party for the kids and families. Cambria enjoyed it for about 15 min., before she was ready for a nap or something (I think she just wanted to go inside and play). Gavin had a great time, but spent most of it worrying about his sisters and trying to introduce them to everyone- it was very sweet, I was actually telling him to go play with his friends. We will miss TLC.
Gavin and best friend Elijah! He will miss being at school with him so much, I thinks that is the only thing he is not looking forward to about kindergarten.

Cambria did get down and walk a bit, she usually hates the feel of concrete but did fine on the sidewalk. She wasn't happy with the street (I know I should have had shoes, but I was hoping she would just sit in the stroller). Cambria does love her new little ELMO ball, she takes it everywhere and she enjoyed watching the balls roll everywhere (it was so windy), but was not happy she could catch all of them and eat them (of course).

Avalyn enjoying the trampoline!

Catching up

It has been awhile, because my wireless Internet has been down since Wed. I've been frustrated to not have the computer, but thanks to Kyle I am back on line! I managed to find the right cord and he explained how to hook it up over the phone- it isn't wireless, but I don't care it's working and much more reliable. There are a few blogs to come with pictures from our busy week!

These are pictures of the kids watering our plants. We bought a few when my mother was here a month ago and shockingly enough they are still living. We've had some rain, but when it is dry for a few days the kids have enjoyed water them. They are in the perfect spot for the sprinkler system to hit them, but it isn't working correctly and we are just praying for enough rain before Kyle gets back to fix it. I am thrilled with my herbs- cilantro, parsley, and basil are what I use the most and have always had good success with.
Our strawberry plants grew back much bigger this year and are looking in good shape, too bad we will probably be gone when the fruit arrives (I hope our neighbors Mark and Brooke get to enjoy them before the bunnies and bugs get to them). I also attempted 2 tomato plants this year, last year the bunnies ate them within 2 days of planting them so I moved them closer to the house and so far so good! I am looking forward to apple season late this summer/early fall, there were so many flowers/buds on our apple trees and now we can see tiny little apples starting to form. It has been amazing how much they have grown in 3 years, I sometimes wonder how the little limbs of the trees will hold all the apples that are on them (we had pretty big apples last year). It should be fun and I guess I will need to start thinking of apple recipes.

Monday, May 18, 2009

So Proud!

The last couple of days have been a bit crazy, it just doesn't seem to get easier the longer Kyle is gone. We are so ready to get away and are counting down the days till we leave for Texas (13)! It will be nice to pass the last 3 and a half weeks in Texas and then come back to DADDY! Sat. Avalyn woke up with pink eye, I didn't realize it until later that day after talking to my sister and the nurse line. Instead of church on Sun. we went to Urgent care to get some med. I was relieved it wasn't busy and we were out of there in an hour with a prescription for eye drops. Gavin, Cambria, and I still have no signs of the pink eye, so I am relieved about that but we are doing our best to stay away from everyone! I am happy to say that today her eye looks much better and the contagious time period is almost over. Putting the eye drops in her eyes has been a huge pain and being confined to home has been another challenge. We will be heading to the zoo tomorrow if everyone is well! Please pray that the rest of us stay well.

Last night Gavin and Avalyn were thrilled to help me around the house- not normal, but since I discovered that they LOVE to vacuum they will do anything for me if I let them (even pick up toys, Yes I am proud to say I am bribing with vacuuming and will do so until it stops working). It was wonderful to have a clean house by the time the kids were in bed. Another new thing around here (that I didn't photograph) is Gavin decided a couple of weeks ago he is ready to take showers. He occasionally joins his sisters in the bath, but for the most part wants a shower (I don't get it- he doesn't look like he is having fun in the shower). He even did it by himself the other night, with my permission of course and me checking to see if the soap was out of his hair. So proud of my growing boy!

Here is something new for Cambria. Interest in a sippy cup, that's about all it is right now but we will take it. She has actually started to put it in her mouth, she doesn't really drink but it is ready for her when she wants to. I've been trying to get her to use one since around 10 months and no interest until now. She is teething, so maybe that is why. She still has issues with food, she refuses to eat anything with texture and No Table food at all (not even puffs). I have been doing my best to introduce things, but she screams about too much texture (and refuses to eat more, there is no tricking this little girl)and food on her tray and throws it on the floor. We are at Children's hospital once a week now for occupational therapy (OT) and the visual therapist is still coming to our home(often bringing another OT) every other week. They are working with her sensory issues and her food issues. It has been slow progress and all these appointments can be a bit tiring, but hopefully they are helping. She is touching food more, but too much on her tray sets her off (who would have thought whipped cream or noodles could be so scary). I am looking forward to the day I can hand her puffs, a cracker, anything as a snack and she like it. She is now 16 months old, so we will just have to give her more time. Cambria still doesn't do well with too much motion (elevators freak her out) and doesn't always do well in new places. Last week she did sit on the platform swing with her OT for a while and seemed to enjoy it and the new places isn't all the time, but when it comes it isn't fun (the grocery store set her off screaming most of the way through it the other day). We can't avoid these things and I know she will out grow most of it. She is healthy (thanks to all the baby food she likes) and happy, so I worry very little about all of it and just wait to watch her adjust. Such a sweet heart!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rainy days

Pulling Avalyn up

My attempt at a picture of all 3. Cambria was falling out of the car- so I took it while catching her and of course nobody would cooperate.

Well today is just wet, so we aren't doing much (until I take Gavin to school at 1). I figured I'd share some pictures from yesterday. I am feeling good and doing my best to take the kids out more. Outdoors isn't always easy with Cambria, but she loves the Bellevue welcome center and yesterday I decided to brave the Children's museum alone. We love our Children's museum, but I hate going alone so I've been avoiding it (pretty sad since we have a pass). The only downside about going right now is it is field trip season (YUCK!)- that means a lot of kids, older and bigger, and fewer adults keeping track of them. Oh well, when you get there and see the buses what can you do but head on in. It wasn't too bad and the kids had a great time, including Cambria who loved it. It's not the best age to take Cambria, because she wants to put everything in her mouth (double YUCK! I am not a big germ freak, but when you see all the kids touching everything ... okay just don't go there). She of course enjoyed the baby area, which was nice and calm, but her favorite was the ball room. I wish I had just had my video camera, she was practically running everywhere to get the balls (she loves balls), it was probably some of her best walking so far. I did get a little clip on my camera, but I was trying to keep track of all 3 and didn't get much. Another reason I try to take her to places like this, is she keeps her glasses on.

exploring/ tasting the ball room

trying to reach the balls, she tries so hard and it is so sweet because she doesn't gets frustrated she just gets up and calmly looks for another way
driving the fire truck

She always goes for balls when that is an option, for some reason she prefers round toys.
Gavin and Avalyn were great as always and it was a good day.