Friday, May 22, 2009

Catching up

It has been awhile, because my wireless Internet has been down since Wed. I've been frustrated to not have the computer, but thanks to Kyle I am back on line! I managed to find the right cord and he explained how to hook it up over the phone- it isn't wireless, but I don't care it's working and much more reliable. There are a few blogs to come with pictures from our busy week!

These are pictures of the kids watering our plants. We bought a few when my mother was here a month ago and shockingly enough they are still living. We've had some rain, but when it is dry for a few days the kids have enjoyed water them. They are in the perfect spot for the sprinkler system to hit them, but it isn't working correctly and we are just praying for enough rain before Kyle gets back to fix it. I am thrilled with my herbs- cilantro, parsley, and basil are what I use the most and have always had good success with.
Our strawberry plants grew back much bigger this year and are looking in good shape, too bad we will probably be gone when the fruit arrives (I hope our neighbors Mark and Brooke get to enjoy them before the bunnies and bugs get to them). I also attempted 2 tomato plants this year, last year the bunnies ate them within 2 days of planting them so I moved them closer to the house and so far so good! I am looking forward to apple season late this summer/early fall, there were so many flowers/buds on our apple trees and now we can see tiny little apples starting to form. It has been amazing how much they have grown in 3 years, I sometimes wonder how the little limbs of the trees will hold all the apples that are on them (we had pretty big apples last year). It should be fun and I guess I will need to start thinking of apple recipes.

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