Friday, August 6, 2010


Kyle left the bathtub with water after bathing Ainsley the other day- not a usual occurrence. The house was busy and I didn't even think to check- we do our best to keep the bedroom and bathroom doors shut so the babies don't go in there. Cambria is our little destroyer (we've never had one), nothing is off limits she could tear apart, chew up or throw just about anything. We LOVE her to death, but we are definitely looking forward to this crazy destructive stage being over. If it is quiet around and we can't see Cambria everyone is sent to search. On this day it had been quiet for awhile, when I look up from the kitchen to see Cambria coming out of our bedroom with a pair of scissors. I know, scissors very scary- at least she doesn't know how to use them, she likes how they open and close like a duck's beak, she says quack (she even does the open close with her fingers to mimic the duck). I went after her and the scissors, only to go into our bathroom to discover this:

That is a bath with water and most of the stuff from our closet floor, my bedside table and the bathroom.

And then we look over to see this:

so innocent? It's hard not to laugh as she looks to the side and closes her eyes- she avoids eye contact whenever she knows she is guilty of something and she closes them as if we can't see her. Praise the Lord she wasn't in the bath and nothing important or valuable was ruined, so we laughed a bit, told her "no" and then took a picture. If you are wondering why the 2 and a half year old isn't in the bath, she hates the bath and doesn't enjoy being wet at all. She may not like the bath or pool, but one of her favorite things is throwing stuff in the water. Cambria could spend hours throwing rocks, toys and anything else she can find into our kiddie pool outside. I imagine with everything she found and threw into the bath, she had a huge smile and was jumping up and down- she had been in there for quite awhile. This little one is definitely keeping us on our toes!

We are praying that her understanding and communication improves over the next year. She is very much like a 12-18 month old mentally, with the physical abilities of a 2 and a half year old. It is quite the challenge, none like we've ever faced, but she is improving and we have been so blessed by her sweet spirit, destruction and ALL!


The Skains Family said...

Oh my gosh!!!! That is hysterical. I had to show that one to Jeff. Praying for you friend, and for an extra set of patience and understanding. Wow!

The Perkins said...

I wish I could have been there for this. I laughed outloud reading the story.