Tuesday, June 28, 2011

One Last Flight!

The Finny-Flight...or last flight.  This was Kyle's last flight in the Air Force and we were looking forward to celebrating with him!  The tradition is that the family gets to go on the flight line after the plane lands and watch him get off the plane...and of course hose him down with water.  We were excited and after the stress of getting the 4 kids ready for pictures with Daddy on this special day and racing to make it there in time- of course on this day they ran out of fuel and landed early- my dreams of great pictures were dashed.  Not only was it the kids and I, but my sister was there to help me (since we were leaving the next day for TX) and our dear friend (and photographer) Jessi came down for one last visit and to take pictures! 
 On our way to see Daddy and his plane!
Aunt Christine!

 This is where the pictures stopped for us:( We were informed at the gate to the flight line that we did not have the right paper work to take pictures.  Of course it came down to paper work.  Kyle and the guys were told they didn't need it and I am sure for some guards that would be fine, but not this one.  I was soooo sad.  So no pictures with Daddy and the plane he spent the last 7 years flying, none with the kids, just a memory that the kids are too young to ever remember.  We tried to make the best of it, we sprayed the water, got back on the bus and headed to the parade field for some family pictures.
With Daddy on the bus after his last flight!  We are so proud!

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