Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cambria is 4!!!!

Can't believe it's been 4 years!!!  What a sweet blessing this one has been to us over the past 4 years!  There have been lot's of new things Cambria is doing now and we are so proud.  She is LOVING school and improving all the time.  She is feeding herself, drinking water out of a sippy cup (at school), following more direction, communicating more all the time, and working on potty training! Over the past few months she has become more affectionate and loves to give (and get) "squeezes" from the people she knows best and she loves to "snuggle" with me! She is crazy about plastic animals, Sea World and birthdays, she is constantly singing something, jumping up and down and still LOVES to have people blow in her face and ear.  She is as strong as can be- built like her daddy, but loves to talk about being pretty and being a princess (still talking about being Cinderella for Halloween).  Cambria is definitely one of a kind, a sweet joyful spirit who is loved so much by all of us!  Happy Birthday Cambria!!! PS I can't wait to get my camera back, but this will have to do for Cambria's birthday this year.
 Cambria's birthday was on a Thursday, she had a fun time at school and didn't want to take her hat off.  She loves birthdays and this was her day. Kyle had to be at school, so we just did a few little things at home.
 Mau Mau brought Cambria a balloon, which made her really excited!
 Mau Mau also brought a present, she was so excited to open it!
 Mau Mau had to help a bit, but once she saw what was inside she was sooooo happy!
 a "baby" ballooga whale, "baby" shamu and her favorite "baby" dolphin!
 Mau Mau also brought a beautiful cupcake!  She was so excited about everyone singing to her and all the candles!
 We gave her several chances to blow out the candles, but couldn't quite figure it out.
 This was as close as she came to eating it.
Ainsley and the other kids LOVED it!

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