Monday, January 23, 2012

Avalyn is 6

I am still in a bit of shock that my little Avalyn is 6!  We couldn't be more proud of her.  She is sweet, creative, friendly, loving, kind, beautiful and the list could just go on!  She's a wonderful help around the house and with her little sisters.  She is an incredible student, perfect behavior and loves to learn.  I know I am gushing a bit, but she is truly a joy to have!  Avalyn is in tumbling and has excelled in it, showing wonderful signs of being that cheerleader she wants to someday be.  Her creativity is endless, she is constantly drawing, color and loves to paint- she just might be our little artist!  She loves all things girly, her American Girl doll is probably her favorite thing to play with along with dressing up and barbies.  Gavin and Avalyn still have a very sweet relationship and she has no problems transitioning from playing with all her girly things to hanging out and playing with her big brother.   Avalyn is so understanding and very adaptable, through all the changes over the past year she keeps on going with a smile on her face and a joyful heart.  Watching her grow is amazing and we look forward to seeing how God uses this wonderful little girl!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Family Party

 This year I let Avalyn have her own party and we threw a family party later that day for Cambria (and the other January birthday's).  It is such a blessing to be near family and we had a wonderful time celebrating with them.  Of course we friends that we consider like family and we were happy to have them with us!  After an exhausting day getting ready for Avalyn's party and then the family party, we all just sat back relaxed ate some pizza and cupcakes- didn't spend too much time taking pictures!
 I did get pictures of this sweet moment.  Cambria LOVES the birthday song and was so excited everyone was singing to her.  She also loves blowing, she loves to blow on people's faces and wants them to blow back (I think it her little way of saying hello or giving a little bit of joy that it brings her).  We thought with this constant desire of blowing, she would blow the candles out this year for the first time.  We tried on her birthday and several other time and nothing, but tonight was the night!
 After watching everyone else she decided to give it a try- wish I would have had the video camera ready.
 Finally getting it!
 She was so proud of herself!!!
So excited she could stop jumping, so the picture's blurry, but still so sweet!  Happy 4th Birthday Cambria!!!

Avalyn's 6th Birthday Party!

Avalyn has shared her party since she was 2, so this year I decided to let her have her own!  She invited all the girls in her class and a few other girl friends.  It was a bit last minute, the invitations were passed out on the Wed. before the party- I was shocked when 9 out of the 11 girls rsvp'd and came!  Add all our little family friends to the mix and it was quite the party.  I could have never pulled this off without all the help I had from my mom, sister Christine, niece Hadley and best friend Bekah!  We pulled it off and the girls had a great time.  It was a fashion show party!  Everyone came dressed up and we did nails, hair, make-up and glitter.  They went through all of Avalyn's dress up clothes and all changed several times throughout the party. 
 Fun on the runway!
The beautiful Birthday Girl!
 The other Birthday girl, still wearing her crown from school, she was pretty clueless to the fact that it wasn't her party.
We rolled out a white strip (of house wrap- left over from our old house) down our entry way, threw colors and markers out and let the girls have at it! They loved this and were actually quiet for a little while.
 Hadley busy doing Bianca's hair!
 Practice on the Runway!
 Avalyn recieved so many beautiful presents!
 We were so excited and so thankful Christine and Hadley were able to come (from Denton) to the party!
 Mau Mau and Avalyn with her first big girl Bible!
 Went simple on the cake for this one, just pink with little fashion Barbies- not a single crumb left over!
 Music and Bubbles going- fashion show time!
 Cambria had other ideas for the runway!