Sunday, June 15, 2008

Cambria's SMILE! I caught it!

I finally got it! A picture of Cambria's smile, isn't it so cute? She smiles more often now, but still only in reaction to your voice. It doesn't really matter why she smiles, it is just so wonderful to see her happy and expressing it. She has been keeping her glasses on a lot better, thank you for all your prayers! I figured out that she was teething after I saw a tooth coming in, it has already broken through the gums. Instead of taking them off because they were unconfortable she was taking them off to chew on. She still likes to chew on them, but if I treat the teething thing with tylonal, teething tablets, or a pacifier she seems to do a lot better. A full belly also helps- she is now eating oatmeal, sweet potatoes, apple sauce, bananas, carrots and pears. Carrots and pears were not her favorite- but she likes them better than the completely regected green beans and pees. This has also helped me keep up with her feedings, nursing was becoming more difficult and more often (I don't need more often). Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers- I hope this picture put a smile on your face!
Gavin and Cambria- so much LOVE!


Samantha said...

LOVE the smile!!!!!

Anonymous said...

AWwwwwww! Absolutely too cute!