Friday, August 1, 2008

Crazy Zoo Pictures

Gavin thought it was just so funny to smile with one eye shut (I had several of this cute face)- wow the humer of a 4 year old!
I was trying to get the penguins swimming, the kids were laughing so hard watching them.
Avalyn and the fish- her favorite were the penguins but she was to excited and moving to fast to get a good picture.
Avalyn was having a great time watching her hair blow straight up from the AC vent on the floor.
Avalyn and the garilla- Kyle and Gavin were on the other side.
Yesterday Kyle and I braved the heat and took the kids to the zoo. We stayed in most of the indoor exhibits and of course had a wonderful time. These are a few crazy pictures I got. My digital camera isn't the best for some of the dark exhibits- like the equarium- but the kids were so happy I tried to get catch a few pictures of them with the animals.

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