Friday, March 6, 2009

A Couple of Warm Days

This winter has done it's best to be kind to us this year and given us a few breaks of warm weather. To me it is just a tease and I wish it would just stay, but it comes just to melt the snow and within a day or two more cold and snow arrives. Yesterday was in the 70's, crazy warm around here. I decided I just had to take the kids to the zoo and take advantage of the weather. We went after Avalyn's Mother's Day Out was over at 2:30. The weather was perfect and there weren't any crowds. I wish Cambria had been excited about it, she wasn't too happy and very fussy. I think she just needed to poop- all my kids have always waited to poop when they got home (for some crazy reason). Not pooping in your diaper in public isn't a bad thing, unless you are fussy and for several hours she was fussy. After 15 fussy min. in the car on the way home she finally just went and was happy the rest of the night. Oh well, at least the other 2 were happy and enjoyed there time at the zoo (sorry they weren't in the mood for pictures, I tried). It was a nice break and I can't wait till spring arrives to stay!
Just make it a few hours, it is the zoo and you love playing with spoons.

A moment of happiness with mommy
The hit of the day- the Orangutans! The baby was quite fond of the kids and was following and playing with them, swinging and making faces and trying to touch them.
A good time at the zoo!

1 comment:

The Skains Family said...

You are such a good mommy Sarah! I'm proud of you and just want you to know that. It takes a lot to do what you do, being pregnant with 3 kids while your husband is deployed, and still take the kids out for trips to the zoo! Wow!