Sunday, September 13, 2009

Daddy's Birthday!

Daddy's Birthday Present- Operation

Singing Happy Birthday and blowing out the candles

Happy Birthday Daddy! Kyle's birthday was on Fri. Sep. 11th. Gavin, Avalyn and I went shopping for a present after Gavin got home from school and then we ALL went out to eat to celebrate. It was a little stressful taking all the kids out to eat with just Kyle and I, but I refuse to think we can't do things like that once in a while and how bad could it be- at least I wasn't alone. Dinner went well, once we got Ainsley to sleep we managed to entertain Cambria in her chair (we brought from home). Gavin and Avalyn love to eat out and are usually really good, Cambria is the challenge (as most 20 month old are). Once she became entertained with her orange spoon, Kyle and I were able to eat. Of course I forgot the camera at Chilli's, but did my best at home (sorry Ainsley was sleeping and Cambria wasn't interested in the cake). A wonderful night for a wonderful Daddy (and husband)!

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