Saturday, December 27, 2008

So Much!

I don't know where to start, so here are a few photos from Gavin's Christmas program. It was on Wed. the 17th. After the program we left for our Christmas vacation in Arizona. There are plenty more pictures from the trip and I will do my best to get them up asap. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, ours was definitely one to remember (in a good way). So much fun!

The program was very cute. Gavin was a shepherd. He spent most of the time jumping up and down with excitement and very little time actually doing much of the program. We are still so proud and will surely laugh again someday at the video.
Gavin and his friend Carter
Gavin and Best Friend Elijah
Best Buddies!

1 comment:

Krissi Dallas said...

I missed seeing yall over Christmas! And now I've started a blog, so help me figure blogspot out - if you've been sending emails, I still don't get them, but hopefully I can keep up better with your blog! :) Love you guys!