Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My Baby Boy is 5!

It is hard to believe that our baby boy, Gavin, is now 5! Time has gone so fast and we couldn't be more proud of him. He has always been such a good boy and I am happy to say that he is still such a good boy. He is a wonderful big brother and absolutely adored by both his sisters. He is so excited about kindergarten this fall and we look forward to watching him learn. Thanks to Leapster, he has already discovered a love for math- we will see how long that last, but he is expecting to learn multiplication in Kindergarten (despite me telling him it probably will not happen, I guess that's one for Daddy to tackle with him). We couldn't fit baseball in the schedule this year- because of our trip to Texas, but he is excited about swim lessons when we return and soccer in the fall. He is definitely our big boy now.
It was a crazy day, but I did my best to make it special. I made cookies for his class, while the kids watched Wall-E in the basements- one of Gavin's favorite movies right now. He was so proud to take his friends a treat and to be at school on his Birthday. After school he went home with his best friend Elijah- they take him home on Wed. so he doesn't have to go with me and Avalyn to dance, he loves Wed. I promised him a special dinner, his pick. Of course he picked McDonald's, I wish I could have actually taken the kids in, but Cambria was ready to be home. He enjoyed his Happy Meal and talking to family who called to say Happy Birthday. Gavin has enjoyed all the gifts that have come in the mail- thanks so much! It was sad not to have Daddy here, but hopefully this will be one of the last birthdays he will miss. He is so excited about his Birthday party this Sat. There will be more pictures to come, but this is all I have for today. We got Gavin a new sleeping bag for his birthday- I was avoiding more toys (I know he prefers them, but there are sure to be enough on Sat. at his Birthday party). He loved his new big boy sleeping bag- Cambria gets his old puppy sleeping bag from Pottery Barn. He is actually sleeping in it in his room tonight and looking forward to using it on our road trip to Texas this summer.

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