Friday, May 9, 2008

I'm making pancakes Mommy!

My mom and I awoke on Wed. morning to a very proud and excited Avalyn. She was making pancakes for everyone! In the last week and a half she has discovered she is able to get out of her crib, YEA! Ya right, I thought it might be nice not to have to get her out of bed in the morning, but she has now begun waking up 2 hours earlier around 6 am. I am hoping this excitement of her new found freedom goes away and she goes back to sleeping till 8. It isn't all bad, she ussually comes down stairs and turns on cartoons and sits until she decides she wants milk around 7. At least she doesn't make me get out of bed at 6. She has always been my messy one and loves to get into things- soap, make-up, lotion, mommy's clothes and shoes, laundry, cereal, and her favorite pens (she loves to color). It is a scary thought to think of her alone in any room. Well, on Wed. she decided to get out a zip-lock container and pour a box of Bisquick into it in order to make her favorite breakfast- pancakes. It was really cute, but very messy- at least nothing was ruined and we still had a little left over for breakfast. Don't worry from now on the Bisquick will be placed in the top of the pantry.

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