Monday, September 1, 2008

The Perfect Labor day!

Okay so it wasn't perfect, I lost a $20 bill- so annoying, we could uses that- but otherwise it was a wonderful day! Last night a good friend called and invited us to go to the "beach" with them today. Yes, that's right there are "beaches" in Nebraska (actually this one was in Iowa). I am from Texas and consider a true beach to be on an ocean, but when you as far away from an ocean as we are something like it on a lake will do just fine. It was great, shallow, not to busy, and no salt (that is in the water). It was really cold until you were in it for a while- it was 90 today so that helped. The kids had a blast! Cambria did well, she doesn't like cold water so I didn't take her in, but I set up a little tent out of towels over her play mat and she stayed on her mat rolling around trying to grab sand and playing with the toys above her. She is still so sensitive to the light, even with her glasses on she squints and after a while gets really fussy. It was a wonderful day and been a great 4 day weekend, it is so nice to have Daddy around!

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